The Short Bible


A book titled the bible i never knew a closer look at christianity 's main themes

The Bible I Never Knew

Most people don't understand the Bible's main themes because they haven't had the time or patience to read and study such a long and complicated book. After the author read the Bible again more closely and analytically, he was surprised by what he discovered, both what it said and what it didn't say.


The 19 chapters of The Bible I Never Knew present facts about the Bible and its context and concise summaries of its major themes. The book relies on more than 6,000 scripture verses to illustrate the depth of what was written on the topics. This thematic approach helps readers gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the scriptures.


The book has three parts and a set of appendices.


Bible History and Structure

Important Missing Details

The Bible as Literature

Understanding the Bible

The Nature of God

Communicating With God

Science, Truth, & Miracles



Love, the Bible's Main Theme

Justice, Mercy, & Grace

Money, Possessions, & Prosperity

Life is Not Fair

Being Saved

Living in the World

Unusual Perspectives

The End of History



Government, Politics, & Citizenship

Women in the Bible

Sex, Marriage, and Families



Summarize Each Book

Explain Theological Terms

List Scripture Verses Cited


The book clearly shows that the Bible's themes still relate to current events and issues in all cultures, communities, households, and individuals' lives. The author takes on controversial topics in a balanced way and does not take a position on them - he lets the scriptures speak for themselves.


A book titled the bible i never knew a closer look at christianity 's main themes

The Bible I Never Knew

Most people don't understand the Bible's main themes because they haven't had the time or patience to read and study such a long and complicated book. After the author read the Bible again more closely and analytically, he was surprised by what he discovered, both what it said and what it didn't say.


The 19 chapters of The Bible I Never Knew present facts about the Bible and its context and concise summaries of its major themes. The book relies on more than 6,000 scripture verses to illustrate the depth of what was written on the topics. This thematic approach helps readers gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the scriptures.


The book has three parts and a set of appendices.


Bible History and Structure

Important Missing Details

The Bible as Literature

Understanding the Bible

The Nature of God

Communicating With God

Science, Truth, & Miracles



Love, the Bible's Main Theme

Justice, Mercy, & Grace

Money, Possessions, & Prosperity

Life is Not Fair

Being Saved

Living in the World

Unusual Perspectives

The End of History



Government, Politics, & Citizenship

Women in the Bible

Sex, Marriage, and Families



Summarize Each Book

Explain Theological Terms

List Scripture Verses Cited


The book clearly shows that the Bible's themes still relate to current events and issues in all cultures, communities, households, and individuals' lives. The author takes on controversial topics in a balanced way and does not take a position on them - he lets the scriptures speak for themselves.


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